The New Hair


Having red hair has been very different from blonde hair. When I went blonde, I don't remember the shade of color changing very much.  With the red hair, I came out with really flaming red hair like in the picture above.  It was in the normal human spectrum, but I was worried that the color was so noticeable that I would stand out everywhere. It honestly seems to have mellowed.  It's still a very red color, but it definitely seems to have mellowed. 

What hasn't mellowed is Mia.  She's determined to make me start carrying a purse everywhere even when I'm allowed to wear masculine clothing.  Even her and her friends hate purses and always try to avoid them.  It's just such a double standard. Anyway, I'm supposed to update 2 times a week.  I got punished pretty bad for not updating the blog, so I'll do my best to update more.


  1. We all just want what is best for you!!

  2. Replies
    1. It's multiple, long period in timeout and now the murse. I don't think it's over yet either

  3. Looking forward to hearing from you more. I think the color definitely suits you and your spicy personality! It's not really a double standard, some girls are just girly than others and Kayla seems like a real girly girl, even if she gets embarrassed and denies it sometimes 😘


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