This is Going to Be a Problem


So, we're back on campus and it's freezing.  Classes start Thursday in DuPont's weird way of doing things where they like to do half-weeks.  However, I got a new ID thanks to a friend of Becs who works in the registrar's department. Now, Is till have my Kevin ID, but I think this is part of the plan the girls have for my internship.  This isn't good. I don't even know if I'll be attending that class as Kevin or Kayla.  It's freezing her and wearing skirts isn't helping.


  1. I think it's pretty obvious you'll be attending as Kayla. I doubt that Kevin card is even active anymore, or if it is, you won't be the keeper of it, much like your Kevin clothes.

    1. I just realized your card says "full time"
      In more ways than one!

  2. now you can blame the cold weather for fitting into your chastity cage so easily. HA! Don't worry, this will help you get a good job!

  3. This is actually a good development. I think the male one would honestly raise more questions at this point 😘


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