Going Home


My parents were fine with me staying at college for summer again, but my mom insisted that I come home for a weekend and I agreed.  Now, I love my parents and it was so good to see them.  I certainly don't want them coming down here to visit me and I want them to know that I still want them to be an important part of my life.  Unfortunately, going home meant seeing my sisters Kim and Holly.  Now don't get me wrong, I love my sisters and I always have, but we are close in age and that means competition.  Also, being outnumbered I would often make comments about women just to get a rise out of them.  They are really enjoying having me under Mia and her friends' thumbs at college and I am coming back with a whole bunch of hand-me-downs as well as a few summer dresses we bought on a shopping trip.

They had gotten my aunt's old wedding dress and couldn't wait to have me model it and in general they tormented me all 4 days I was home.  I am never going to live any of this down.  My little sister Holly really never liked Jacob and when she heard what happened to him, she nearly peed her pants laughing. She really wants to see him dressed up and I'm sure Mia will oblige her with pictures if she hasn't already.


  1. Sissified wherever you go! You're a sissy for life!

  2. The bra and the dress on the right are soooo cute

    1. That bra is so heavily padded, I look huge

  3. Great pictures! You have the happiest, friendliest smile. No doubt it helps out when you are waitressing, but I think it also means you're pretty happy these days.
    You didn't post any pictures in boy clothes? I'm sure you got to bring some home to wear around your parents, right? Perhaps you aren't as thrilled about how you look in them now?
    So, honestly, about your sister. They tormented you? But you loved it, didn't you? Aren't you really closer to them now; so many things to share and talk about. Grilling you about your dates, and kissing. Comparing the boys they've met and dates they've had. A shopping trip. Teasing each other is a way to connect more closely, and being the one teased because of the power they hold over you. You just can't use masculinity as a trump card they can't respond to any more. You have to deal with vulnerability, opening up to real feelings.

    1. I did get to wear masculine clothes a lot at home, which was nice but my sisters made sure I didn't have masculine underwear on

  4. I'm curious what all you came home with!! We may need to have a fashion show!


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