Finals are Finally Done


Wow, it's been a crazy month between work, Jacob, and school.  However, I finished my last final at 3pm today so we went out for Chinese tonight and to celebrate.  I hate updating this blog on my phone and it's harder still with everybody snooping, but things went well today.  I had two different finals and I aced them both I think.  After we finish eating, we are going to go back to the apartment building and then probably going to a party or clubbing.  I'm voting for drinking back at the apartment.  My last choice is clubbing so that's probably where we'll end up.


  1. did you have to even ask? Of course we went clubbing! I mean why wouldn't we?! This was a killer semester wrapping up sophomore year! I mean...why not? two more (ok well four more for us MS shooting or maybe PHD Dr. Mia, I like the sound of that...) years of DuPont...time to celebrate. My gosh for a party girl you can be a real wet blanket.


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