Work Has Been Crazy
Two different waitresses quit at Mom's last week and things have been really busy for the rest of us. In both cases, they were going to quit before summer anyway and this way they could prepare for finals without having work get in the way. Unfortunately, for the rest of us that has meant way more hours than we'd like.
The above picture is from a photoshoot that I filmed. I guess this is what they meant by feathers. It kind of reminds me of what I've heard about strippers like 100 years ago, except there is no nudity in this.
Kylie did not like my email. I guess the truth hurts.
The Easter egg hunt was a disaster. It poured rain which meant that I was walking around soaking wet grass with my heels sinking into the ground. The only way I could open the eggs was by squatting down, which put all my weight on the heels. It wouldn't have been easy in the dry grass, but with the rain it was terrible.
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