Return of The Cat


Mia's photograph friend Kat came visiting and she wants to use me in another project.  From what I understand it's going to involve feathers and it's going to be another super sexy one.  I can see ways to do either but I can't see ways to do both. She can kind of be odd because she gets really into these ideas for photoshoots that she can't really explain so that anybody else can understand it. I will say she's a great photographer though and I could hardly believe it when I saw the pinup pics she took of me.

So Kat was over today along with Mia and Paige when I got a notice that I had a package in the apartment office so everybody wanted to go to the office with me to pick up what I got.  As we were walking down there, I got one of those looks from Mia that said I better look like I just won the lottery. Turns out the boots that I had to order last week arrived. Mia enjoys this sort of thing way too much!


  1. I 'm sure you (and everyone else) is going to understand it when you see it.

  2. Sexy and feathers can definitely go together.
    The white dress is quite nice as well

  3. Those boots look so great (fetch even 😜) I bet they look great on you! You look genuinely excited to see them. I think you definitely use Mia as a cover for how much you love all this stuff 😍

    1. stop trying to make skirt fatigue and fetch happen! It's not going to happen!


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