Penises Everywhere


Becs has stopped doing her blog and I don't really blame her. I can attest that it can be a challenge doing regular updates and I have Mia's cajoling and punishments if I don't update to her satisfaction. Of course, not having Becs means that everything that the girls are doing generally comes from Mia and everything we're doing comes from me.  

I still haven't really seen what Mia, brought back from San Francisco, but what I have seen is what Becs and Paige brought back from home.  They both stopped at stores where bachelorette party stuff is sold and now our apartment is swimming in penises of all kind---penis straws, penis light switches, penis soap, and supposedly there's some bigger things coming.  The look on Fiona's face when Jill went to put on the light this evening and saw the penis light switch.  I thought he would melt.

I'm kind of lucky that I don't have a crush on anybody right now. I don't know how I would deal with them looking like this.


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