New Years Dress


My sisters intend to take me out to a New Years Eve party.  I can't tell you how much it sucks to be going home and having to do this sort of thing while Mia is able to go home and have fun.  My sisters aren't nearly as bad as she is, but I would have thought they would take my side on this. It's not like I have to dress 24/7, but they've had me dressing a lot more than I did last year.  The weight that I had gained is gone if you can't tell. Mia better appreciate that.  I hope you have a great New Years and a terrific 2024.


  1. It's a killer dress and you wear it so well. That little crossed ankle curtsey like pose? With those shoes? You are adorable. Your sisters are really looking out for you getting you such an outfit.

    I hope Mia appreciates the little touches in your teasing poses; putting on the dress and zipping it up, you should get some sort of girly points for that, and such a great smile.

    How was the NYE party? Who was there? Was this mostly your sister's friends or what? Was anyone who knew you as Kevin there? Everybody else will just accept you as a girl, I'm sure. But I don't know if you had to avoid anyone?

    And did anyone (blush) get a midnight kiss? You shouldn't have to miss out just because you are "missed out" in your party clothes. Not that it would be a deep erotic thing with someone you just met. But a bit of a peck with a boy or two to wish you a happy new year?

    Well, it's already happened or not but I hope you had a great time whichever.

  2. I'm responding to Kayla and Kat here...yes, she does pay attention to the details BUT...where are the "growth charts" in learning to deep throat? Where are the outfits of your sisters? We've seen what 1-2 updates? Why aren't you telling them about your midnight kiss hmmmm??

  3. Yes, Miss Mia. I will take care of those things.


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