I Want to Go Back to Brunette


This is my gel nail polish advent calendar.  Everyday, I get a new gel nail polish as we lead up to Christmas and of course, the girls are not happy if Fiona and I aren't sporting the new color that day at least for a few hours before bed.  I'm doing my best to be compliant and even obedient as one slip up and I'll have to explain my blonde hair to my dad. My sisters know about it and tease me asking me if I'm still a blonde bombshell.  I really don't know how this will go.  Do I think that Mia will let me go back to brunette? Yes.  Did I think she would let me go back in September? Also, yes. Mia's using this last time to put new demands on me.  I don't know if it's because she's trying to get me to comply with things I'd normally fight her on or if because she knows that I'll talk back and then she can punish me by keeping me blonde. 


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