Happy Thanksgiving!

 Well, I'm back.  My schedule at Mom's looks a lot better going forward and I'll be able to post more I'm sure.  Have you all seen Mean Girls?  There's a sing where the four main characters dressed in sexy Santa suits do a rather suggestive dance to Jingle Bell Rock. Fiona and I have been given the task to recreate the dance for Christmas.  Last year, I had to master Santa Baby.  This year it's the two of us. I worry that Mia has her sights set on Fiona. Gradually, Fiona is becoming as feminized as I am.  I am so stuffed right now.  The spread was pretty amazing tonight and I had a slight of both pumpkin and chocolate pie.  I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and I'm really trying to be on my best behavior because I really don't want to explain why I'm blonde when I go home for Christmas.


  1. Sights on Fiona? Me? I'd be more worried about how you're going to explain to your mom/aunt/etc why you look like a Kardashian with that blonde hair! It would behoove you to do well with that routine! Watch the scene from the movie over and over...even you with your two left feet can do it!
    I saw you grab extra dessert...I better also see you working out!

  2. Yes Mia. I will be working out and we have been practicing a lot.

  3. Is the Santa suit going home with you? Maybe some shots in it could start a calendar collection.


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