Costume Party


We did the costume party the other day.  I went as Madonna and Dave went as some country singer that I don't know who she was.  We just called her slutty cowgirl all night. Dave is really starting to look good in pictures now, especially since they removed his underarm hair, but he still has a long way to go before he can convince anybody in public.  Paige and Becs got us ready for the costume and I think I actually look more like Madonna  when they're doing my makeup than when I'm all dolled up. 

I just don't get to be a boy very much anymore.  Even David has a lot more pants time than I do.  When I'm home for very long, I'm supposed to be all girlied up and that means dresses, heels, and full makeup. Mia says she heard from Kim and that they'll send me a care package full of their old clothes as soon as one of them gets home, but I really don't believe that.  I guess David is going to be going into lingerie full-time.  He's not happy about it, but as I told him--at least nobody can see your panties. Better than dresses.


  1. I think the first one looks like a more current Madonna, but the second one looks like the one the world fell in love with 😍 I'm glad your sisters are so supportive, I'm sure they'll lay some ground work with your parents so they can accept what a beautiful girl you are! Dave is definitely too cocky, maybe he should have his own blog to keep him busy and behaving a little better 😉


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