The New Job


This one is going to be embarrassing.  I'm not only waitressing, but I'm doing it at Mom's, which means I'm at Mia's favorite place and I guarantee she'll come in a lot when I'm working and she will always sit in my section.  Very few places make their waitresses wear uniforms anymore and I know it could be worse.  One of you suggested I get a job at Hooters, but it still means wearing a short dress everyday and the girls aren't letting me wear the most comfortable shoes either. This means I can stay down at school for summer because I can support myself, but this is just so embarrassing.  I've never been a server before and I'm still learning how to do the job.


  1. Waitress life suits you, I think Mom's just makes sense! I would've stayed longer and lurked, but, date night with Landon! You actually did a reasonable job! I think you should work it a little more (hustle for them tips!)

  2. I suggested Hooters. The tips would be better.


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