Irresistible Force vs. Immovable Object


Things have been moving really quickly around here.  If you haven't seen the pictures that Mia posted, check them out.  You can really see how much I've changed :-(.  The girls intend for David and I to go out for Valentines Day, but he's ready to put his foot down. I warned him when he went along with the room that if you give these girls an inch, they will take a mile and make you walk that mile in your three-inch spike heels. If it comes down to a test of wills, I don't know who will win, but I hate to be the one caught in the middle. The lingerie photo shoot was as embarrassing as anything I have ever done.  I was standing around all day in lingerie or lingerie with a robe. I got the sense that even the photographer was snickering at what they girls were able to make me do.


  1. Kayla, I can imagine walking how it would feel walking around in lingerie all day, with a photographer you don't know paying so much attention. But hey, a photographer is going to be into the images, into the beautiful way you are displayed. I know the girls are careful about your pictures; we can tell from all we see here that they are into making you look your best. Sure, they're enjoying making you look your female best, and the power in putting you into that position. But they aren't making you look silly, or camp. I guess there's no way to keep you from feeling embarrassed, it's so counter to how you've pictured yourself all your life, and yet you're just an outfit and some makeup away from being a beautiful date for Dave. Go with it and know that in some twisted way, they really are on your side.
    Just look at you on that staircase. Such a lovely face.

  2. Love this crazy stairway you're in. Tell David he should just play along. A date is just two people going out and doing an activity together. Nothing more has to happen besides a couple of friends having a fun time. He knows who you are. It's not like he'll accidentally fall in love with the beautiful girl you've become 😉


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