Goo Goo Muck


I'm sure you have read by now that Mia and Ashleigh wasted no time in punishing me for my neglect at home.  The worst is that damn penis gag that Mia has now. It made it so much more humiliating to be sitting there tied up with a big rubber dick in my mouth. Ashleigh is blonde now, but she's just as mean as ever.  Her and Mia are the two girls who really know how to tie somebody up, so it wasn't like they had to completely overpower me to get my hands twisted up behind my back.  After they knotted that off, I was helpless enough that they could be relatively creative with the tie thing.

Anyway, I promised that I would copy all of Ashleigh's class notes for Mia and I promised to learn Wednesday's Goo Goo Muck dance and perform it for the girls.  I satisfied that tonight.  It was as embarrassing as you might imagine.  I'm not being negative, but they are really making it tough on me.  I've totally had to give up on letting David see me dressed as little as possible.  It's not unusual for him to come back to class and see me in a dress sitting at my desk doing my makeup.  This has really gotten a bit out of hand.


  1. At least the girls can't get down on you for not smiling; that's just your "Wednesday face," right?

    You know David is going to end up seeing you dressed. How to you cut down on the humiliation and awkwardness of it? See it from his side. He's not responsible for this. He's not the one who got you into it. He seems like a nice guy; He's probably embarrassed or even guilty at being a witness to the, hmmm, requirements of your relationship with the girls? Is he supposed to pretend to ignore it? Should he comment on it, compliment you? Razz you about it?
    You should open the communications. Tell him you realize that as hard as this is on you, you know that it affects him too, and ask him how you can keep it from being too weird. If he wants to hear about the details of what the girls make you do? Perhaps he would like you to show him how you look when you finish your makeup and dressing up, so he doesn't feel like he's furtively sneaking peeks just to know what's going on?
    Do you have things around ("dainties drying after hand washing") that might seem more intimate than if it were just a guy's stuff? Let him know how he's allowed to deal with it; is there some place he can stash them if he has someone coming over? Is it ok for him to have people over?
    Work out a plan with him on what he should tell other people (friends, his family, girls he might be seeing) who ask him about what's up with his roomie? (I guess you could have him point them to these blogs, but that's not the same as talking.)
    So, some open communication, and you should be the one to open up. And do it while you're dressed, so he knows that it's ok to talk to you openly when you are. And frankly, when you're dressed you're more in the role of the gender who talks more about relationships, even those of roomies.
    Maybe you should run some of this by the girls, and see that it's ok with them, or if they have any rules on how you can approach it. I don't think the "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than get permission" is the right strategy for working with Mia.

  2. Mia was right; that dress has much the same feel as Wednesday's. Though it shows a bit more leg.

    1. Unfortunately, everything always seems to show more leg.

  3. I think Ashleigh's hair looks great! actually did the Goo Goo Much dance well! Color me impressed. David? well....he will stay out of it if he knows what's good for him. do need a Valentine's date....hmmmm

    1. Thank you for the kind words about the dance

  4. I see your bio has changed. Have the girls made you read any of your new favorite books?

    1. Yes, that was Rebecca who decided it needed to be upgraded

    2. if Becs sees that you called her Rebecca may the gods both old and new have mercy on your pea-pickin' soul.


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