

By now, you know all that there have been some changes here. I don't even know where to begin except to say that the girls won.  They used Ashleigh to set me up and since Friday night I've been in panties the whole time and have been playing dress up doll constantly. If you're wondering, yes I'm feeling pretty stupid for not just giving in when all they wanted to do was my hair. I'm trying to put up a fight, but they hold all the cards and it seems they're very determined to see just how much of a girl they can turn me into. They're not stopping with my hair or with dresses, but makeup, lingerie, heels, and so much more. They're also not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon.

You may also have noticed in addition to this blog going pink, Becs has been added as a moderator.  Yeah, that was her post about my new look.  She is going to monitor this blog to make sure I keep it updated and I talk about the things they want me to talk about.


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