One of the Toughest Decisions I've Ever Made

Basketball has always been an important part of my life and I was disappointed when I didn't get a single scholarship offer despite averaging over 12 points and four rebounds in leading Valley to the state playoffs. I'm sure my height had a lot to do with it. I'm not even average height for a guard, but I make up for it with quickness and a shooting touch (35% from three-point range last season).

Plans Change

I was so determined to prove myself that I was going to walk on at DuPont this year. I know that I can play well enough to make the team here. I've watched them practice and I am sure I would be starting by sophomore year, but then what? I'm not good enough for the NBA and it's not like they're scouting DuPont anyway. I decided that instead of busting my butt in this dead end basketball dream, I would just be a normal student (though I'm going to kick some serious butt in intramurals). Besides, the girls at college are hot and I can use the time for socializing.

Sunday is the Day

I can't wait until tomorrow when I get to move down. I've got a week before classes start to deal with orientation and moving in. I wanted to get an apartment, but the dorms are good to. It'll probably make it easier to meet people.



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