Moving Day


My parents and sister helped me move in today and it was bitter sweet. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of my life, but for them, it was sad seeing me go off to college. We did the usual stuff--toured the campus, got my keys, and moved all my stuff into the dorm.  I've already been warned that the food here sucks so it was great that mom and dad bought me out to a decent meal before they left. There was a Chinese place here and I think The Bamboo Dragon is probably even less authentic then the name, but it was still good. 

Great Views

Okay, living in the same dorm as girls is going to be wild. This is Rebecca or Beccs as she prefers. She's actually taller than I am, but I like tall girls. She also seemed really nice and of course being tall she played basketball in high school too. Anyway, I got a picture of her as the first girl I talked to in college and she was pretty awesome too!  We are making plans to make plans to hang out, which is cool.

The other view is out the front door of my dorm.  Not bad.  The room is kind of a dump and I'll show it off when my roommate and I have finished moving in, but the common areas look great.

Waiting for the Roommate

So, Dave won't be here until sometime tonight.  I've exchanged texts with him, but I've never really met him. I guess freshman year and prison are the two times when you get a roommate you don't know. As an upperclassman, I'll be able to pick my roommate or move off campus, but this year it's totally random. Hopefully, he's cool.


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