
Showing posts from July, 2024

Late 4th of July Post

  I thought that Mia would have bragged about 4th of July by now, but I guess it's up to me to fill you up.  This is Brandon my date and it wasn't horrible, I mean he was a gentleman, but he's such a loser. Of course I got more flowers and instructions that I better take care of them.  There was an awkward make out session during fire works, but it was just kissing at least.  I still can't get used to seeing my makeup all over another guy's face. And who was Fiona's date?  Jill I'm happy for Fiona because she's had a crush on Jill since first moving into the apartment, but she really gets favored status over me.  That whole basketball bet was a way to make sure that I had to go on a date with a guy and while we both had the right to wear male clothing, the girls knew I couldn't do that while convincing a guy that I was a woman. Meanwhile, Fiona was able to wear masculine clothing since he was going on a date with a girl.  

The Game

So, I knew the girls were up to something,  First, they tried to switch my opponent wen I agreed to play Mia, then they informed me that they never changed the dress code so I had to play in heels. Well, I still beat Mia though the game was pretty close because of the handicaps.  Unfortunately, even after I beat her she decided we had to play horse. Well I was leading her HOR to HO, but I still lost. So we won the right to wear guy clothes on the 4th of July, but Fiona and I heave to go on dates, which means neither of us will dare not be as feminine as possible so it's not really much of a victory.  What stinks is I saw this coming and I still couldn't get out of it.