Further Updates
So, I just read Mia's latest post. I figured I should probably update you on more than just my hair. This summer as you know I'm working at the diner and the job isn't bad, but honestly the money is going for things like this dress. I think I'd like the job more with more freedom to spend my paycheck on what I wanted to spend it on. I am moving in with Dave again. I don't know how thrilled he is about that because he knows as well as I do that we're going to have to girly up our place. I'm hoping I can get the girls to be reasonable. I don't care if my apartment is a little girly, but if it's girlier than their own apartments, I won't be happy. My big fear is that I'm living 24/7 as a woman for the most part this summer. I have blonde hair, shaped eyebrows, and my appearance is just getting more and more extreme. I worry about what happens if my friends from home, my sisters, or my parents pay a visit to take me to lunch or something. I...