
 By now you know what happened to me on the appropriately named Mean Girl Day.  I never even heard of it before, but I certainly ran into mean girls.  With that little stupid pink cage, I am beyond horny.  I can't even play with myself.  It was bad enough that dating girls was extremely complicated as Kayla, but now even if I can get one to go out with me, I can't do anything with her.   Mia also threated the butt plug on her page, but I haven't seen it in yet so hopefully, she's just talking big though I doubt it. The problem is they have enough control over me that they can get me in a place.  If they do and there are 3 or 4 girls there, they can overpower me and tie me up.  Mia is phenomenal at knots, but the other girls are really good at them too.  Once I'm tied up, I'm at their mercy.  If that means the cock cage, no problem.  And it's the same for the butt plug unfortunately.  I don't know how I'm making it through October.
  So, here's the deal. Mia, in her infinite wisdom, has decided I need to carry this... thing she calls a "murse" (you know, like a man purse, but less manly). It's not like I'm new to her whims, but this? This is a whole new level of "what the heck" for me.  I'm in my regular guy clothes, you know, jeans, a tee, just feeling normal, right? Then Mia hands me this "murse." It's black leather, and as purses go it's not super feminine, but it's definitely not something you'd see most guys walking around with.  I'm like, "Really, Mia?" But before I can even finish my sentence, she's got that look. That 'don't even think about arguing' look, paired with the threat, "If you even think of saying no, you'll be carrying something much girlier." I swear, she's got a whole arsenal of humiliation tactics. So, there I am, this 'murse' slung over my shoulder, feeling like I've

Makeup Advice

  As a college freshman, my introduction to makeup wasn't one of choice but rather a scenario thrust upon me by some of my Mia and her friends. This unexpected journey into the world of cosmetics has taught me a unique perspective on makeup application, especially when considering how to adapt techniques for a male facial structure transitioning between day and evening looks. Understanding the Canvas: Adapting to Male Facial Features Makeup application on male faces poses distinct challenges due to inherent differences in facial structure. Typically, men have wider jaws, more pronounced bone structures, and often thicker skin with more visible pores. These traits necessitate specific strategies to ensure makeup looks natural rather than incongruous. Daytime Makeup: The Quest for Subtlety For daytime, the objective is blending in while maintaining a natural appearance, which can be tricky when your starting point is not traditionally feminine: Base: Starting with a matte pri

Same Old Bears

Today was supposed to be about football, camaraderie, and perhaps a few laughs over beers. Instead, it turned into a day of personal humiliation for me and all Bears fans. If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know I can only watch football wearing a cheerleading uniform. The game itself was a disaster. It's the same old Bears though this year was supposed to be different. More than just about any other fan, the cheerleading thing give me a real stake in the Bears doing well. This one was a bit different because we had the girls over so there were 4 girls plus Fiona watching with me and of course the girls loved watching me do cheers. Fortunately, both offenses sucked so I didn't have to cheer too often.  

The New Hair

  Having red hair has been very different from blonde hair. When I went blonde, I don't remember the shade of color changing very much.  With the red hair, I came out with really flaming red hair like in the picture above.  It was in the normal human spectrum, but I was worried that the color was so noticeable that I would stand out everywhere. It honestly seems to have mellowed.  It's still a very red color, but it definitely seems to have mellowed.  What hasn't mellowed is Mia.  She's determined to make me start carrying a purse everywhere even when I'm allowed to wear masculine clothing.  Even her and her friends hate purses and always try to avoid them.  It's just such a double standard. Anyway, I'm supposed to update 2 times a week.  I got punished pretty bad for not updating the blog, so I'll do my best to update more.

Locked Out :-(

  So we went out clubbing last night.  It wasn't a big deal.  I've gotten to the point where I can pass pretty well in that situation.  I know the dress is pretty ridiculous, but it wasn't my choice and frankly, it's not that crazy an outfit for the clubs.  Girls dress slutty.  I just wish I had a chance to hit on them instead of emulating them. Anyway, as you can see I have no purse with me.  My purse had my keys and I knew it was in Jill's apartment, but she went out with Fiona for a bite to eat and so my keys and my roommate were both miles away.  My phone was also in my purse so I couldn't call them.  Of course, Mia was home but  she wouldn't let me wait in her place, but she still found time to take pictures. Purses are complicated.  I miss pockets.

Late 4th of July Post

  I thought that Mia would have bragged about 4th of July by now, but I guess it's up to me to fill you up.  This is Brandon my date and it wasn't horrible, I mean he was a gentleman, but he's such a loser. Of course I got more flowers and instructions that I better take care of them.  There was an awkward make out session during fire works, but it was just kissing at least.  I still can't get used to seeing my makeup all over another guy's face. And who was Fiona's date?  Jill I'm happy for Fiona because she's had a crush on Jill since first moving into the apartment, but she really gets favored status over me.  That whole basketball bet was a way to make sure that I had to go on a date with a guy and while we both had the right to wear male clothing, the girls knew I couldn't do that while convincing a guy that I was a woman. Meanwhile, Fiona was able to wear masculine clothing since he was going on a date with a girl.